About uReply Upgrade
uReply for PolyU has been upgraded in 2023 August. All existing data has been migrated to the new version. If you notice any anomaly with your login, question banks or session reports, please contact Mr. Chan Chun Sang of EDC at chun.sang.chan@polyu.edu.hk.
Here are the highlights of the changes:
1. Side Menu
2. Session Creation
3. New Question Types
3 brand-new types of question are now available, List, MC with others and File Upload.
Participants can submit their own file as answer. Students can use their smartphones to take photos and submit it realtime.
It works similar to usual multiple choices question but allows participants to submit their own answers outside of the provided choices.
Participants choose a number between 1 to N. This question type is designed for voting.
4. Session Screen
5. Ranking and Compare
6. Take-home Assessment
7. Report and Question Bank
The layout of Question Bank and Report are overhauled.